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About Michele Worley

Michele Worley’s passion has been in Christian education for over 20 years.  Her studies and her vocational experience has been centered in Christian education and Biblical worldview.  She gained her Education Specialist degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Elementary Education, her Master of Education from Liberty, and a Bachelor of English from UNC-Greensboro.  She is continuing her studies in pursuing her Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction. She has worked at Liberty University for over 7 year in both the Career Center and in the School of Education in several administrative roles.  She also has taught both residentially and online for over 5 years.  She also is a faculty sponsor of an ACSI affiliated Liberty student club called PACE: Professional Association of Christian Educators.  She has completed several ACSI accreditation visits and is dedicating her dissertation work on Christian education.


Present Executive Director of Operations & Faculty Instructor, Liberty University School of Education

Curriculum Vitae


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