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Examination of Cultural Intelligence within Law Firm Librarians in the United States: A Mixed Methods Study
  • Michele A.L. Villagran
The purpose of the research is to explore the cultural intelligence (CQ) of law firm librarians in the United States.  This dissertation is motivated by three research questions: (a) What is the overall level of CQ of participating law firm librarians? (b) What variations among participating law firm librarians, if any, exist among the four capabilities of CQ?; and (c) What viewpoints do the librarians have about the value and importance of CQ within their law firms?  This research contributes to the limited amount of empirical literature on CQ.  Officially defined in early 2000s, the CQ framework is what guides this study.  The research extends the application of the CQ framework by applying it to an area not formerly studied, law firm libraries.
A concurrent nested strategy model was used in order to gain a broader perspective of CQ.  The researcher conducted a mixed-methods study using a web-based survey process incorporating the CQS, an instrument that measures CQ level, demographic and open-ended items.  The target population consisted of librarians within the United States who currently work in private law firm libraries.  Of the initial 170 individuals who responded to the request, 70 provided survey responses.  The sample was based on self-selection from those that were members of two professional associations.
Based on a triangulation of the findings, four conclusions were made: (a) law firm librarians have a strong sense of value and importance of CQ to their law firms, (b) law firm librarians have varying levels of CQ within each of the four CQ factors, (c) the librarian’s feel valued and appreciated within their law firm, and (d) law firm librarians cope with cultural challenges and have to adapt to unfamiliar environments.  The findings support the research questions and prompt thinking of how to incorporate CQ into training, maximize the benefits of CQ with stakeholders that utilize the library services,and how law firms may use CQ to help with industry changes.  This research provides a glimpse into CQ and additional important issues to law librarians within law firms in the United States including their value within a law firm.
  • cultural intelligence,
  • law firm libraries,
  • law firm Librarians
Publication Date
December, 2015
Field of study
Organizational Leadership
Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Kay Davis, Ed.D., Chairperson; Julie Armstrong,Psy.D.; Maria Brahme, Ed.D.
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Citation Information
Michele A.L. Villagran. "Examination of Cultural Intelligence within Law Firm Librarians in the United States: A Mixed Methods Study" (2015)
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