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About Michael Z. Green

Michael Z. Green is a member of the Texas A&M University School of Law faculty. Professor Green’s scholarship focuses on workplace disputes and the intersection of race and alternatives to the court resolution process. He previously served on the faculty of Texas Wesleyan University School of Law where in June 2008 he was appointed to the inaugural position of Associate Dean for Faculty Research & Development. As the Dean for Faculty Research & Development, he highlighted the significant accomplishments of the faculty while continuing to nourish and support the development and success of faculty members as scholars and teachers.
Professor Green was a visiting professor at the University of Georgia School of Law in Spring 2013 where he taught Employment Discrimination and Employment Law. Professor Green was also a visiting professor at Florida State University College of Law where he taught Evidence and Employment Discrimination during the Spring 2008 semester. His legal practice experience in Illinois and Kentucky focused on representing clients in workplace disputes.
A frequently requested speaker and expert in his field, Professor Green has presented at dozens of conferences on matters pertaining to workplace disputes. Professor Green was elected as a Fellow to the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers in June 2014 and elected as a member of the American Law Institute in October 2006. In September 2015, he received the Paul Steven Miller Memorial Award at the Tenth Annual Colloquium on Scholarship in Employment and Labor Law given to a scholar who has demonstrated outstanding academic and public contributions in the field of labor and employment law.
Among his many other professional activities, Professor Green is a labor and employment mediator and arbitrator who serves as a member of the American Arbitration Association’s National Labor Arbitration panel, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Labor Panel, and as a hearing officer for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Trial Board. He served as Secretary of the American Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Section in 2014-15.
Professor Green holds a LL.M. from the University of Wisconsin School of Law, a J.D., cum laude, and an M.S. in Human Resources and Industrial and Labor Relations from Loyola Chicago, an M.B.A. from California Lutheran, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California.


2013 - Present Professor of Law, Texas A&M University School of Law
2005 - 2013 Professor of Law, Texas Wesleyan University ‐ School of Law

Curriculum Vitae

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  • Evidence
  • ADR in the Workplace
  • Labor Law
  • Employment Law
  • Employment Discrimination


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California
Master of Business Administration, California Lutheran University
Master of Science in Human Resources & Industrial Labor Relations, Loyola University Chicago ‐ Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations
Juris Doctor, Loyola University Chicago, School of Law
Master of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison ‐ Law School

Contact Information

Texas A&M University School of Law
1515 Commerce St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102

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