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Brock Turner: Sorting Through the Noise
U. Pac. L. Rev.
  • Michael Vitiello, University of Pacific McGeorge School of Law
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PART I. THE MEDIA’S ROLE ............................................................................... 634

A. Six Months for Rape? ............................................................................ 634

B. Okay, But Sixth Months for Sexual Assault? ......................................... 638

C. But Vitiello, You are Cherry-Picking the Facts ..................................... 643

D. But Judge Persky Showed Bias, Racial or Otherwise ........................... 646

PART II: TAKING THE WRONG PATH TOWARDS RECALL ................................... 649

A. Existing Checks on Judicial Misconduct ............................................... 650

B. What’s Not to Like About Recall? ......................................................... 652

III. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS ............................................................................. 659

Citation Information
Michael Vitiello, Brock Turner: Sorting Through the Noise, 49 U. Pac. L. Rev 631 (2018).