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Marshall University Music Department Presents a Low Brass Day, Hosted by MU faculty, Dr. George Palton, tuba, and Dr. Michael Stroeher, trombone and euphonium
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  • George Palton, Marshall University
  • Michael Stroeher, Marshall University
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Michael Stroeher, euphonium

George Palton, tuba

Stacy Baker, conductor, solo tuba

Jonathan Payne, conductor

William Mann, solo trombone

Kevin Callihan, Ty Carver, John Douglas Handshoe, and Tyler Kline, euphonium Bruce Harkins, Jonathan Payne, Rodney Riggs, Kevin Sucher, Tony Zilincik, Ben Miles, Stacy Baker tuba

Melody Dawn Cook, piano

The Ohio Valley Trombone Quartet:

Gretchen McNamara, Chris Hayes, and Thomas Zugger, tenor trombone Michael Stroeher, bass trombone

Clinic Sessions:

Trombones: Recital Hall

Gretchen McNamara: Breathing and the Body

William Mann: Performance Anxiety

Chris Hayes: A New Approach to Alto Trombone

Tom Zugger, Michael Stroeher: Doubling

Tuba/Euphonium: Choir Room

Ben Miles: Intelligent Practice

Stacy Baker: Making a Great Lip-Reed

George Palton: Composing and Arranging Forum

Tony Zilincik: Get off the Page!

Marshall Trombone Quartet:

Patrick Billups, John Galloway, Hugo Sigiliao, tenor trombone

Austin Seybert, bass trombone

Delta Omicron Trombone Quartet:

Karen Barnett, Katherine Ferber, Jared Layman, tenor trombone

John Bruce, bass trombone

Opossum Meadows Trombone Quartet:

Karen Barnett, Jared Layman, Andrew O'Neal, tenor trombone

John Bruce, bass trombone

Capital University Trombone Quartet:

David Fletcher, Dan Napier, Neil Stackhouse, trombone

Ryan Moritz, bass trombone

Ohio University Trombone Quartet:

David Gonzalez, Michael Shomo, John Lopez, Nick Weckman, trombone

Wright State University Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble:

Dr. Ben Miles, director

Marcelle Bonterre, Scott Rogers, Nora Snow, Andy Soloman, euphonium

Stephan Garber, Denny Hirt, Tom Keene, Sheena Roach, Michael Van Kirk, tuba

Morehead State University Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble:

Dr. Stacy Baker, director

Zach Ball, Ty Carver, Justin Croushore, Jake East, John Douglas Handshoe, Zach Howell, Tyler Kline, euphopium

Andrew Brady, Bruce Harkins, Jeremy Ison, Matthew Long, Jonathan Payne, Rodney Riggs, Kevin Sucher, Aaron Willison, tuba

Capital Thunder:

Tony Zilincik, conductor

Ben Backus, Robert Ragland, Mark Kilanowski, Scott Armstrong, euphonium Charlie Marino, Will Roesch, Matt Mauger, Larry Dine. Stefon Zittkowski, Austin Brown, Doug Espie, Riley Robey, Matt Fonner, Ken Ranos, tuba

Marshall University "Tubonium" Ensemble:

Dr. George Palton, conductor

Alex Conn, Matt Drummer, Chip Gue, Chris Stuart, Ralph Taylor, Brianna Williams, euphonium

Tyler Davis, Peter Gallus, Nick Hartley, Dwayne Russell, Andretti Sampson, Josh Sharp, tuba

Ross Patrick, percussion

Morehead State University Tuba/Euphonium Quartet:

Zach Ball, Zach Howell, euphonium

Andrew Brady, Aaron Willison, tuba

Morehead State University Tuba/Euphonium Quartet:

Ty Carver, Jake East, euphonium

Rodney Riggs, Kevin Sucher, tuba

Morehead State University:

John Douglas Handshoe, conductor

Ty Carver, Justin Croushore, Jake East, Tyler Kline, euphonium

Wright State University Tuba/Euphonium Quartet:

Scott Rogers, Marcelle Bonterrc, euphonium

Tom Keene, Stephan Garber, tuba

Capital University TEQ4:

Ben Backus, Mark Kilanowski, euphonium

Charlie Marino, Will Roesch, tuba

Marshall University Tuba/Euphonium Quartet:

Matt Drummer, Brianna Williams, euphonium

Tyler Davis, Josh Sharp, tuba

Marshall University Trombone Choir:

Dr. Michael Stroeher, conductor

Karen Barnett, Alex Conn, SarahEllen Dillon, Matt Drummer, Katie Ferber, Ben Fredrick, John Galloway, Timothy Huffman, Andrew O'Neal, Matt O'Neal, Austin Seybert, Hugo Sigiliao, Brianna Williams, tenor trombone

John Bruce, Dale Capehart, Andrew Fleck, Bill Rath, bass trombone

Wright State University Trombone Choir:

Dr. Gretchen McNamara, conductor

Bryan Sharpe, Jennifer Phillips, Eric Stanton, Mike Busch, Alex Grodkiewicz, Dustin Malone, Daniel Hornbrook, tenor trombone

Dante Colding, Adrian Roberson, bass trombone

Morehead State University Trombone Choir:

Dr. William Mann, conductor

William Borich, Nancy Cody, Adam Cook, Justin Croushore, Adam Dixon, Elliott Hawks, Tyler Kline, Ran.ko Shimizu, tenor trombone

Nancy Cody, Nick Breiner, J.D. Handshoe, bass trombone

Capital University Trombone Choir:

Dr. Thomas Zugger conductor

Kaytee Ambrozich, Andy Doherty, David Fletcher, Luke Furniss, Dan Napier, Neil Stackbouse, Jacob Wright, trombone

Ryan Moritz, bass trombone

Ohio University Trombone Choir:

Dr. Chris Hayes, conductor

Jeff Barbee, Kyle Belcher, Aaron Brown, John Connors, Jake Young, Mary Cuff, David Gonzalez Jr., Tim Langreader, Ian Taylor, Kenny Taylor, Michael Shomo, John Lopez, Daniel Susco, Ben Prater, tenor trombone

Derrick Condo, Nick Weckman, bass trombone

Jordon Von Wahlde, drum set

Marshall University Department of Music

Named after John Marshall, the great Chief Justice of the United States, Marshall Academy was established in 1837. Marshall became a University in 1961 and has since grown tremendously, particularly in the 1990's which saw the construction of the state-of-the-art Drinko Library, Jomie Jazz Center, and the addition of the Graduate College.

Marshall University Students have outstanding opportunities to study and perform music in an attractive environment with world class faculty at the Department of Music in the College of Fine Arts. The Department of Music is housed in Smith Music Building and Jomie Jazz Center. Among these facilities is the newly renovated Smith Recital Hall and classrooms, a 24-track recording facility, music technology lab, music library, faculty offices, and practice rooms.

Music majors may pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music degree with concentrations in performance, composition, jazz studies, or theory as they prepare for career entry or graduate study in those areas. The Master of Arts in Music degree offers areas of emphasis in education, history/literature, performance and theory/composition. The Music Minor offers a program of organized study for students seeking degrees in other disciplines. Directed through the College of Education and Human Services, the Bachelor of Arts in Music Education and the Master of Arts in Teaching lead to certification as a comprehensive music teacher in grades Pre-K - Adult. The Marshall University Department of Music is a fully accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. Performance opportunities include a variety of large and small ensembles in choral, instrumental, and jazz areas and are open to the entire MU community.

Performer's Biographies:

Stacy Baker is Professor of Music - Tuba/Euphonium at Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky. Originally from Harsen's Island, MI, she received her M.M. and B.M. degrees from the University of Michigan. She holds a D.M.A. degree from the University of Illinois. Dr. Baker has toured and recorded throughout the United States and Europe as a founding member of the tuba/euphonium quartet JUNCTION, and with the Lexington Brass Band, Monarch Brass, and SYMBIOSISDUO. She is also a member of the Athena Brass Band and the Horizon Brass Quintet. Dr. Baker has served on the International Women's Brass Conference Board of Directors.

An active performing artist, Dr. Christopher Hayes has appeared at national and international events including the Newport Music Festival, Music Educators National Conference, International Trombone Association conference, and the International Trumpet Guild conference. He has performed and/or presented master classes at Indiana University, University of Louisville, University of Michigan, and Western Michigan University. Hayes is the principal trombonist with the Ohio Valley Symphony and, as a member of the Ohio University School of Music faculty brass quintet "Ohio Brass" he has performed throughout the region, including appearances at the Music Teachers National Association conference and the Ohio Music Educators conference. In demand as a clinician and adjudicator, Hayes' affiliations include serving as educational clinician for United Musical Instruments. He has presented research at the 1996 and 1998 Music Educators National Conferences, and for the 1999 College Band Directors National Conference. Prior to his appointment at Ohio University in 2000, Hayes held similar teaching positions at Eastern Kentucky University and Murray State University. Dr. Hayes completed his undergraduate study at the Crane School of Music in Potsdam, NY and at the University of Louisville and completed his Ph.D. in music education at the University of Missouri.

Bill Mann joined the faculty of Morehead State University in the fall of 2009. Prior to his appointment, he taught on the faculties at the University of Missouri, Prairie View A&M University, and the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor. Dr. Mann has performed with the Lexington Philharmonic, Quad City, Missouri, Tuscaloosa, Meridian, Victoria, and Waco Symphonies and the Austin Lyric Opera. During the summers, Dr. Mann teaches on the faculty at the Bay View Music Festival in Petoskey, Michigan.

Dr. Gretchen McNamara, a native of Seattle, Washington has earned a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the University of Cincinnati, College Conservatory of Music, a Master of Music degree from Kent State University, and a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Washington. Before beginning the DMA, Dr. McNamara was the director of bands at Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts in Baltimore, Maryland. Recently, she has been the featured soloist with .the Kettering (Ohio) Civic Band, Wright State University Symphonic Band, Xavier University's Symphonic Winds (Ohio) and the Shoreline Concert Band (Washington), and has performed with the Lima Symphony Orchestra and the Newark-Granville Symphony Orchestra. In addition to teaching trombone at Wright State University, she also directs the Jazz Ensemble and teaches Instrumental Music Education classes. Outside of her position at Wright State University, Dr. McNamara serves on the Dayton Philharmonic Education Committee and writes CD Recording Reviews for the International Trombone Association. She also maintains a private trombone studio with students from Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. Dr. McNamara has served on the faculty of Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music Preparatory Department. Her principal instructors include David Vining, JoDee Davis, Mathew Guilford and Stuart Dempster.

Dr. Benjamin Miles is Assistant Professor of Music at Wright State University, where he teaches tuba and euphonium, performs with the Faculty Brass Quintet, and teaches courses in Music Technology and Orchestration. In addition to his duties at Wright State University, he is Principal Tuba in the Richmond (IN) Symphony and performs regularly in the Dayton and Cincinnati areas. He has performed as a soloist at the International Tuba and Euphonium International and Regional Conferences and was the winner of the 2005 Leonard Falcone International Artist Tuba Competition, held at the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in western Michigan. He has been a preliminary judge for the tape round of this prestigious competition since 2008. He has given performances in 48 of 50 states, as well as in Europe and China.

He received his degrees from Michigan State University, Penn State University, and the State University of New York, College at Fredonia. His principal teachers include Phil Sinder, Marty Erickson, and C. Rudolph Emilson. While a student at Michigan State, he became the first tuba player in the history of the school to win the annual concerto competition and while at SUNY Fredonia, he was the first tuba player in the history of the school to receive the Performer's Certificate.

Dr. Miles has performed with the Conway (AR) Symphony, Lansing (MI) Symphony, West Shore (MI) Symphony, Jackson (MI) Symphony, Altoona (PA) Symphony, Nittany Valley (PA) Symphony, the Penn's Woods (PA) Summer Music Festival Orchestra, and the Fredonia (NY) Chamber, Players. In 2006-2007, he was a member of the Bay Street Brassworks brass quintet, performing concerts and presenting masterclasses across the country. He has also performed with the Pinnacle Brass Quintet (AR), Detroit Chamber Brass, the Michigan Chamber Brass, the Galliard Brass Ensemble (MI), and Disney's touring show "The Lion King."

Prior to his appointment at Wright State, Dr. Miles served on the faculty at the University of Central Arkansas. He has also taught low brass students at Alma College (MI), Lansing Community College (MI), Eastern Michigan University, and Penn State University. He is a former member of The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps and was on the brass staff with the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps.

George Palton currently serves as the Adjunct Professor of Tuba at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. Along with his duties at Marshall George is very active teaching in the public schools and is on the faculty at West Virginia State University where he teaches General Education courses. He holds degrees in Tuba Performance at the University of Kentucky (DMA, MM) and Music Education (BMME, BM) at Bowling Green State University. Previous teaching appointments include the University of Kentucky and Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky.

Dr. Palton has won first place in several solo competitions including the Susan Slaughter International Solo Tuba Competition (2010), the International Tuba Euphonium Conference Tuba Artist Competition (2006), the Bowling Green State University Competition in Music Performance (2002), the National Federation of Music Clubs Orchestral Brass Solo Competition (2001), along with second place at the Susan Slaughter International Solo Brass Competition (2010) and the Potomac Festival Tuba Virtuoso Competition (2006). He is sought after as a performer and clinician both regionally and throughout the country. He recently performed at the 2008 International Tuba Euphonium Conference where he premiered Azucar! by Alice Gomez. He also has given solo performances at the 2011 South-East Regional Tuba Euphonium Conference the 2007 Mid-West Regional and North-East Regional Tuba Euphonium Conferences, and the 2006 Phi Mu Alpha National Convention.

In addition to his performing and teaching activities, he is an active arranger and developer of pedagogical materials. He has published his research and arrangements through the International Tuba Euphonium Association Journal, Tuba-Euphonium Press, RM Williams Publishing Company, and Cimarron Music.

Michael Stroeher is Professor of Trombone and Euphonium at Marshall University, where he performs with the Faculty Brass Quintet and the faculty Jazz Ensemble Bluetrane. He has previously held teaching positions in the St. Louis Public Schools, at Idaho. State University, Phillips University, and Augusta State University, and received degrees from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the New England Conservatory of Music, and the University of North Texas, with additional study at the Aspen Music Festival.

As a trombonist Dr. Stroeher has performed and recorded with the St. Louis Symphony, the Aspen Festival Orchestra, the Greenville Symphony, the Augusta Symphony, the South Carolina Philharmonic. He is presently Principal Trombonist with the Huntington Symphony and occasionally performs with the West Virginia and Ohio Valley Symphonies. He has performed with such artists as Arthur Fiedler, Dave Brubeck, Michel Legrand, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Jr., the Stylistics, the Temptations, and the Cab Calloway Orchestra. Dr. Stroeher has appeared as soloist with the Webster Symphony, the Mighty Mississippi Concert Band, the Augusta Concert Band, the Augusta State University Orchestra, the DeKalb Wind Ensemble, the Marshall University Wind Symphony, the Huntington Symphony, and has performed at the Eastern Trombone Workshop, the International Horn Conference, the International Trumpet Conference, and at the Aldeburgh Festival in England. He has published articles m the Journal for the International Tuba Euphonium Association, the International Trombone Association Journal, the Southeastern Journal of Music Education, and the Opera Journal and is active regionally and nationally as a clinician, adjudicator, soloist and guest conductor.

Tony Zilincik holds degrees in music composition from Central Michigan University and Bowling Green (OH) State University. He is an assistant professor of music at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio where he is the head of the instrumental music area and the composition area. He teaches music theory, composition, tuba and conducts the Brass Choir and Capital Thunder, the university Tuba and Euphonium ensemble. He is the principal tubist of the Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra, and is a member of the Cathedral Brass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Columbus. He performs regularly with Dr. Tony's Original Ragtime Band, and the Ceremony Brass brass quintet. He is the E-flat tuba soloist with the Brass Band of Columbus, and the former director of the Central Ohio Brass Band. He has performed with the Vaughn Wiester Famous Jazz Orchestra, and for touring Broadway shows including The Lion King, Annie, and Mary Poppins. He has appeared as a tuba soloist with the Central Michigan University Brass Band, the Brass Band of Columbus and with numerous area high school ensembles. A prolific composer, Zilincik's works have been performed m Europe and the US. Many of his compositions are published by Cimarron Music Press.

Dr. Thomas Zugger is currently the Associate Professor of Trombone and Euphonium at the Capital University Conservatory of Music. Prior to his appointment at Capital University in 1998, Dr. Zugger taught at Adrian College in Adrian MI and was also an assistant band director in the Walled Lake Michigan public schools. As a trombonist and euphonium player, Dr. Zugger has performed extensively. He is currently principal trombone in the Newark/Granville, OH symphony as well as appearing with the Columbus Symphony, ProMusica Chamber Orchestra, the Richmond, Indiana Symphony, Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, and at the 18th Macau China International Music Festival. He has performed in orchestras for national tours of numerous Broadway musical and has backed many popular performers. Dr. Zugger also keeps a busy schedule as a clinician. Recent appearances include the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, numerous state conferences, as well as the MENC Eastern Division Conference, College music Society Great Lakes Chapter Convention, and many colleges and universities. Dr. Zugger is an artist/clinician for Edwards Trombones. As a published composer and arranger Zugger's works are regularly performed by artists nationally and internationally, and have been featured at both the International Trombone Association and the International Clarinet Association conventions. His compositions are published through Brixton Publication, TAP Music, Timber Ridge Publications, Warwick Music and the International Trombone Association Press. Dr. Zugger holds degrees from the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and a DMA in Trombone Performance from The Ohio State University. Dr. Zugger is also an avid marathoner, having completed 35 marathons to date, and in his spare time enjoys hiking, photography, and traveling with his wonderful and patient wife, clarinet professor Dr. Gail L. Zugger.

Smith Recital Hall
Library of Congress Authorities

Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. Elisir d'amore. Furtiva lagrima

Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Barbiere di Siviglia. Largo al factotum

Reiche, Gottfried, 1667-1734. Abblasen

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suites, cello, BWV 1008, D minor; arranged

Stevens, John, 1951- Moondance

Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Schöpfung

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Kunst der Fuge. Contrapunctus, no. 9

Ewazen, Eric, 1954- Myths and legends

Serocki, Kazimierz. Suite, trombones (4)

Holst, Gustav, 1874-1934. Suites, band, op. 28. No. 2

Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945. Mikrokosmos. Selections

Nelhybel, Vaclav. Canzona, euphoniums (4), tubas (4)

Dumitru, Ionel, 1915-1997. Quartet, tubas

Stevens, John, 1951- Adagio, euphoniums (4), tubas (4)

Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Schöpfung. Vollendet ist das grosse Werk

Gates, Crawford. Quartets, tubas, op. 59

Hassler, Hans Leo, 1564-1612. Neüe teütsche Gesang. Mein Lieb wil mit mir kriegen

Bruckner, Anton, 1824-1896. Os justi

Peeters, Flor, 1903-1986. Suites, trombones (4), op. 82

Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971. Zhar-ptit︠s︡a. Suite (1945)

  • recitals,
  • workshops,
  • low brass,
  • tuba,
  • euphonium,
  • arrangements
Citation Information
George Palton and Michael Stroeher. "Marshall University Music Department Presents a Low Brass Day, Hosted by MU faculty, Dr. George Palton, tuba, and Dr. Michael Stroeher, trombone and euphonium" (2011)
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