A virtual patient inter professional activity to improve inter professional competencies: A randomized trial
American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether an interprofessional virtual patient educational activity improved interprofessional competencies in pharmacy, physician assistant, and physical therapy graduate students. Seventy-two fifth semester pharmacy (n = 33), fourth semester physician assistant (n = 27) and fourth semester physical therapy (n = 12) graduate students participated in the study. Participants were stratified by discipline and randomized into control (n = 38) and experimental groups (n = 34). At baseline and at study completion, all participants completed an original, investigator-developed survey that measured improvement in selected Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies and the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). The experimental group had statistically significantly greater odds of improving on a variety of IPEC competencies and RIPLS items. The use of a single, interprofessional educational activity resulted in having a greater awareness of other professions' scopes of practice, what other professions have to offer a given patient and how different professions can collaborate in patient care.
Publication Date
February, 2015
Citation Information
Michael J Shoemaker, Margaret de Voest, A Booth and L Meny. "A virtual patient inter professional activity to improve inter professional competencies: A randomized trial" American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (2015) Available at: