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Cross-National Election Surveys: A French Pre-Test
Electoral Studies (1996)
  • Michael S Lewis-Beck, University of Iowa
In common with scholars in other leading democracies, election researchers of France and the United States rely heavily on a survey research methodology; but their respective national election surveys do not pose many of the same questions, and the dominant research paradigms in each country offer opposing explanatory models of vote choice. Herein are reported preliminary results from a joint effort of US and French researchers, which seeks to include numerous cross-national items in the French National Election Study (for 1995). The following American National Election Study (ANES)-type items receive attention: candidate feeling thermometers, job approval ratings, economic evaluations, seven-point proximity measures on social issues and party identification. Inclusion of these measures in French surveys may allow an important cross-nation extension of voting models thought to be peculiar to one political culture, such as the US.
Publication Date
October, 1996
Citation Information
Michael S Lewis-Beck. "Cross-National Election Surveys: A French Pre-Test" Electoral Studies Vol. 15 Iss. 4 (1996)
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