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Imago Dei and the Appreciation of Beauty
SOR Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Michael S. Jones, Liberty University
Publication Date
Published in Philosophia Christi (Series 1) 18, 43-49 Spring 1995. Permission has been granted by the Editor of Philosophia Christi ( to upload this contribution to Liberty University’s scholarly repository. All Rights Secured. No copy of this file may be sold or reprinted in whole or in part. To purchase the entire journal issue that contains this contribution, please visit the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (

"Man does not live by bread alone ... " Human life embraces more than just 'living' (material survival); the human soul thrives on many ambiguous metaphysical elements. One of these elements is beauty. The question motivating this article is the ubiquitous 'why'; why do people find beauty in various elements of their environment? Put another way, what is it that enables one to appreciate beauty? The thesis of this article is that a person's ability to appreciate beauty is a result of being created in the image of God.

Citation Information
Michael S. Jones. "Imago Dei and the Appreciation of Beauty" (1995)
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