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Opposing Roles of Dendritic Cell Subsets in Experimental GN.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN
  • Sebastian Brähler
  • Bernd H Zinselmeyer
  • Saravanan Raju
  • Maximilian Nitschke
  • Hani Suleiman
  • Brian T Saunders
  • Michael W Johnson, MD., PhD, Lehigh Valley Network
  • Alexander M C Böhner
  • Susanne F Viehmann
  • Derek J Theisen
  • Nicole M Kretzer
  • Carlos G Briseño
  • Konstantin Zaitsev
  • Olga Ornatsky
  • Qing Chang
  • Javier A Carrero
  • Jeffrey B Kopp
  • Maxim N Artyomov
  • Christian Kurts
  • Kenneth M Murphy
  • Jeffrey H Miner
  • Andrey S Shaw
Publication/Presentation Date

Dendritic cells (DCs) are thought to form a dendritic network across barrier surfaces and throughout organs, including the kidney, to perform an important sentinel function. However, previous studies of DC function used markers, such as CD11c or CX3CR1, that are not unique to DCs. Here, we evaluated the role of DCs in renal inflammation using a CD11c reporter mouse line and two mouse lines with DC-specific reporters,

Document Type
Citation Information

Brähler, S., Zinselmeyer, B. H., Raju, S., Nitschke, M., Suleiman, H., Saunders, B. T., Johnson, M. W., Böhner, A. M. C., Viehmann, S. F., Theisen, D. J., Kretzer, N. M., Briseño, C. G., Zaitsev, K., Ornatsky, O., Chang, Q., Carrero, J. A., Kopp, J. B., Artyomov, M. N., Kurts, C., Murphy, K. M., … Shaw, A. S. (2018). Opposing Roles of Dendritic Cell Subsets in Experimental GN. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 29(1), 138–154.