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Popular Press
In his saintly patience, John Henry Cardinal Newman lifts up the Church’s people
The Globe and Mail (2019)
  • Michael W. Higgins
This Oct. 13, John Henry Cardinal Newman will be made a saint. It’s about time.
A Victorian of immense productivity in a generation of prolific high-achievers, Newman is of special significance at this moment for two reasons: his championing of the role of the laity in Catholicism, and his penetrating insights into the nature of the university and the liberal arts.
Publication Date
August 30, 2019
Publisher Statement
Higgins, M. (2019, August 30). In his saintly patience, John Henry Cardinal Newman lifts up the Church’s people. The Globe and Mail. Available at :
Citation Information
Michael W. Higgins. "In his saintly patience, John Henry Cardinal Newman lifts up the Church’s people" The Globe and Mail (2019)
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