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Information Literacy for Music Graduate Students: A Framework Application
Music Library Association, 87th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, February 1, 2018 (2018)
  • Michael J. Duffy, IV
The syllabus for a graduate-level bibliographic research course in music at Western Michigan University (WMU) provides an opportunity to link Frames of ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, as reflected in the WMU Libraries’ recently developed Information Literacy Core Competencies (ILCCs), to graduate instruction in music. I have had multiple opportunities to teach this graduate-level bibliographic research course, Introduction to Research in Music. Over the course of the semester, the course includes activities related to each of the Frames in the Framework.
These activities include in-class evaluation of reference and research resources, comparison of articles from Grove Music Online and Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, writing program notes for a mock recital, a comparison of two score editions of the same musical work, a mock grant application, a mock job application, a research paper with an annotated bibliography, and a presentation of the research. The mapping of syllabus sections to WMU’s ILCCs is part of a larger project to assess student attainment of the ILCCs and to redesign a plan for the syllabus with outcomes derived from the Framework.
  • information literacy,
  • music,
  • graduate students,
  • ACRL Framework
Publication Date
Winter February 1, 2018
Portland, OR
An oral presentation.
Citation Information
Michael J. Duffy. "Information Literacy for Music Graduate Students: A Framework Application" Music Library Association, 87th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, February 1, 2018 (2018)
Available at: