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What High School Students Want to Know About Music: An Information Literacy Instruction Course for a High School Music Camp
Music Library Association, 86th Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, February 24, 2017 (2017)
  • Michael J. Duffy, IV
This program will present the results of a case study of an information literacy course offered to high school students during the SEMINAR High School Summer Music Camp at Western Michigan University in July of 2016. The curriculum of the course is geared toward the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, the information literacy standards of the American Association of School Librarians for grades K-12, and informed by the MLA Information Literacy Instructional Objectives for Undergraduate Music Students. Teaching this course offers an opportunity to teach pre-collegiate information literacy skills, and to demonstrate the potential of our information resources in the Harper C. Maybee Music and Dance Library to an outside audience. Student progress will be measured based on formal assessments at the beginning and end of the two-week course, and informal assessments throughout the course. During the course, students will propose a detailed question about music for which they do not know the answer, or a topic about which they would like to know more. They will then work on a project where they answer their questions and build their knowledge, using the print and online resources of the Music and Dance Library. Each session will have a brief period of instruction and discussion followed by a period where students will work on their own. At the end of the two-week session, the students will then have a product, such as an annotated bibliography, a short paper, or a slide presentation to take home showing what they learned.

  • high school,
  • music,
  • information literacy
Publication Date
Winter February 24, 2017
Orlando, FL
A poster presentation.
Citation Information
Michael J. Duffy. "What High School Students Want to Know About Music: An Information Literacy Instruction Course for a High School Music Camp" Music Library Association, 86th Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, February 24, 2017 (2017)
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