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The effects of modified Taekwondo on measures of functional fitness in older adults: a pilot study
Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité (2022)
Functional fitness represents the physical capacity needed to perform activities of daily living, independently without undue fatigue, deteriorates with age. Taekwondo is a traditional form of martial arts training that has shown several positive effects on fitness in younger adults. However, a paucity of research has investigated the impact of modified Taekwondo training in older adults. Therefore, this study aimed to implement a modified Taekwondo program for older adults over the age of 60 and determine its impact on functional fitness. Fifteen participants from a Taekwondo exercise class (average age: 72.7 years) and 10 non-exercising controls (average age: 73.8 years) participated. Functional fitness for all participants was pre-tested and post-tested using the following measures: = finger to nose test (FTNT) = timed single-leg stance (TSLS), timed up and go (TUG) = 30-second sit to stand test (30S2ST), 30-second arm curl test (ACT), two-minute step in place (2SIPT), chair sit and reach test (CSRT), back scratch test (BST). No significant differences were found between pre-test and post-test measures for both groups. Effect sizes showed that the intervention had a small effect on hand-eye coordination, timed single-leg balance, upper limb strength, aerobic fitness, and lower limb flexibility. Despite no functional effect, six weeks of modified Taekwondo training still reached improvements in balance, aerobic fitness, and lower limb flexibility.
  • Taekwondo,
  • strength,
  • Martial arts,
  • Flexibility,
  • Coordination,
  • Balance
Publication Date
June, 2022
Citation Information
"The effects of modified Taekwondo on measures of functional fitness in older adults: a pilot study" Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité Vol. June Iss. 1 (2022) p. 1 - 12 ISSN: 2118-5735
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