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Everyday Magic in Early Modern Europe
Renaissance Quarterly
  • Michael D. Bailey, Iowa State University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
Kathryn Edwards begins her introduction to this well-conceived volume by noting the “explosion of research on magical practices and the attitudes about them in late medieval and early modern Europe” (1) over the last several decades. Witchcraft has continued to be the fiery epicenter of this explosion, despite scholarship’s increasing recognition that occasional eruptions of witch-hunting were surrounded by a vast and typically much more benign “magical universe” (the phrase is from Stephen Wilson’s 2003 book of the same title, frequently cited throughout this volume). The scholars Edwards has assembled each probe various areas of that universe, in order to understand forms of magic that were more widely and more openly practiced than harmful maleficium.

This book chapter is published as Kathryn A. Edwards, ed., Everyday Magic in Early Modern Europe, reviewed in Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016): 1462-64. 10.1086/690350. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
The University of Chicago Press Journals
File Format
Citation Information
Michael D. Bailey. "Everyday Magic in Early Modern Europe" Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 69 (2016) p. 1462 - 1464
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