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Choosing ACT or CBT: a Preliminary Test of Incorporating Client Preferences for Depression Treatment With College Students
Journal of Affective Disorders
  • Carter H. Davis, Utah State University
  • Michael P. Twohig, Utah State University
  • Michael Levin, Utah State University
Document Type
Elsevier BV
Publication Date
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0


Depression is a significant concern among college students, who suffer at higher rates and with greater severity than the general population. Online self-help could reduce the burden currently placed on college counseling centers, and programs based in cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs) have a strong evidence base. However, online CBTs for depression often suffer from low adherence rates. An understudied method for improving adherence in this population is offering students a choice between various CBTs. Methods

We conducted a randomized trial with 142 students with high levels of depression, with a subset of participants randomly receiving either traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (tCBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and an additional arm who could choose between the two. Results

Both treatments effectively reduced depression over 10 weeks, with ACT showing a slight advantage over tCBT. Surprisingly, students who were randomized to their treatment saw greater reductions in anxiety, and higher adherence to the program, than those who chose between the two. Limitations

Our study suffered from a notable amount of dropout and our results should be considered preliminary. Our sample size was relatively small at posttreatment, limiting our ability to make strong conclusions about group differences. Additionally, further steps could have been taken to minimize the risk of bias when presenting treatment options to the choice group. Conclusions

Our preliminary results suggest that simply providing students with an evidence-based resource may be more important than providing options and raise additional questions about the function of client preference in self-help dissemination.

Citation Information
Carter H. Davis, Michael P. Twohig and Michael Levin. "Choosing ACT or CBT: a Preliminary Test of Incorporating Client Preferences for Depression Treatment With College Students" Journal of Affective Disorders Vol. 325 (2023) p. 413 - 420
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