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About Michael H. Stone


Present Professor and Program Coordinator, East Tennessee State University Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, and Kinesiology

Curriculum Vitae


2018 Purchase of Impedimed
ETSU Research and Development and ETSU Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education
Colleague(s): Margaret E. Stone
2017 Mass Spectrometry for Evaluation of Muscle Adaptation Following Training
National Strength & Conditioning Association Foundation
Colleague(s): Carroll, K.M., Bazyler, C.D.
2016 Physiological and Performance Effects of Two Different Training Protocols
ETSU Research and Development Committee
2012 Purchase of Diagnostic Ultrasound
Eastman Inc.
Eastman Inc. Grant
Colleague(s): Stuart, C.A.
2010 Effects of Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Males
East Tennessee State University
Research and Development Grant
Colleague(s): Stuart C. A.(Primary Investigator)
2010 Mechanisms by Which Exercise Training Ameliorates the Metabolic Syndrome
National Institutes of Health
Colleague(s): Stuart, C.A. (Primary Investigator), Ramsey M.W. (Co-investigator)
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2004 - Present Member and Fellow, United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association
2000 - Present Member, International Society of Biomechanics for Sport
1988 - Present Associate Editor, Strength and Conditioning Journal
1987 - Present Associate Editor, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
1986 - Present Member, USWF Sports Science and Medical Committee
1983 - Present Member at large; Chairman, Membership Committee, Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine
1983 - Present Member at Large, Southern District American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
1981 - Present Member, National Strength and Conditioning Association
1977 - Present Member, American College of Sports Medicine
1965 - Present Member, U.S. Weightlifting Federation
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Honors and Awards

  • 1991 - National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Sports Scientist of the Year
  • 2000 - NSCA Life-time Achievement Award
  • 2003 - American Society of Exercise Physiologist (ASEP) Scholar Award
  • 2005 - U.K Strength and Conditioning Association - 1st Fellowship
  • 2007 - NSCA Fellow
  • 2008 - ETSU Clemmer College of Education Faculty Research Award
  • 2008 - East Tennessee State University Distinguished Research Faculty Award
  • 2009 - NSCA Sports Science Annual Sport Science Lecture (named after Michael H. Stone July 2009)
  • 2010 - Doc Councilman Award for Sports Science (Weightlifting)


1977 PhD, Exercise Science, Florida State University
1974 MS, Biology, Tennessee Technological University
1970 BS, Zoology, Florida Technological University

Contact Information

PO Box 70671
Johnson City, TN 37614
Office: E113 MSHA Athletic Center
Phone: 423-439-5796  


Reviewed Publications (253)