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Contribution to Book
The International Service Implementation Checkup (ISIC) Workshop
Information Systems and Analytics
  • Michael Schermann, Santa Clara University
  • Michael Prilla
  • Thomas Herrmann
  • Sandra Bennewitz
  • Helmut Krcmar
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Gabler Verlag | Springer

Successfully establishing service sites abroad requires a fine balance between standardization and localization. On the one hand, standardized services enable the service provider to both ensure similar quality levels on a global scale and achieve economies of scale. On the other hand, localizing service processes is crucial for acceptance and subsequently performance of the services in the target country.

Chapter of
Implementing International Services: A Tailorable Method for Market Assessment, Modularization, and Process Transfer
Tilo Böhmann
Wolfgang Burr
Thomas Herrmann
Helmut Krcmar
Citation Information
Schermann, M., Prilla, M., Herrmann, I. T., Bennewitz, S., and Krcmar, H. (2012): ”The International Service Implementation Checkup (ISIC) Workshop” in Implementing International Services: A Tailorable Method for Market Assessment, Modularization, and Process Transfer, Böhmann, T., Burr, W., Herrmann, T. and Krcmar, H. (eds.). Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler, pp. 169-185.