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Contribution to Book
Modular Service Configuration for Identifying Value-Adding Services for Internationalization
Information Systems and Analytics
  • Tilo Böhmann
  • Michael Schermann, Santa Clara University
  • Helmut Krcmar
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Gabler Verlag | Springer

Assume that your firm needs to serve a new customer. The customer has specific needs, such as requesting you to operate an existing IT system or facilities. If you could meet these needs by predominately selecting and combining predefined services, imagine the impact on cost of sales and cost of delivery.

Chapter of
Implementing International Services: A Tailorable Method for Market Assessment, Modularization, and Process Transfer
Tilo Böhmann
Wolfgang Burr
Thomas Herrmann
Helmut Krcmar
Citation Information
Böhmann, T., Schermann, M., and Krcmar, H. (2012): ”Modular Service Configuration for Identifying Value-Adding Services for Internationalization” in Implementing International Services: A Tailorable Method for Market Assessment, Modularization, and Process Transfer, Böhmann, T., Burr, W., Herrmann, T. and Krcmar, H. (eds.). Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler, pp. 155-167.