Contribution to Book
Decoding the Drug War: The Racial Politics of Digital Audience Reception
Racialized Media: The Design, Delivery, and Decoding of Race and Ethnicity
From Black Panther to #OscarsSoWhite, the concept of “race,” and how it is represented in media, has continued to attract attention in the public eye. In Racialized Media, Matthew W. Hughey, Emma González-Lesser, and the contributors to this important new collection of original essays provide a blueprint to this new, ever-changing media landscape.
With sweeping breadth, contributors examine a number of different mediums, including film, television, books, newspapers, social media, video games, and comics. Each chapter explores the impact of contemporary media on racial politics, culture, and meaning in society. Focusing on producers, gatekeepers, and consumers of media, this book offers an inside look at our media-saturated world, and the impact it has on our understanding of race, ethnicity, and more. Through an interdisciplinary lens, Racialized Media provides a much-needed look at the role of race and ethnicity in all phases of media production, distribution, and reception.
Publication Date
July, 2020
Matthew W. Hughey and Emma González-Lesser
New York University Press
Citation Information
Michael L Rosino. "Decoding the Drug War: The Racial Politics of Digital Audience Reception" Racialized Media: The Design, Delivery, and Decoding of Race and Ethnicity (2020) Available at: