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ABC‐X Model of Family Stress and Coping
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies (2016)
  • Michael L Rosino, Molloy College
The ABC‐X model is used for analyzing stress and coping within families. The model consists of (A) the stressor event, (B) the resources available to a family, (C) the family's perceptions of the stressor, and (X) the likelihood of crisis. Variables B and C determine whether the stressor event (A) results in crisis. The ABC‐X model has been refined through the inclusion of additional factors such as a family's social context and further developed into the double ABC‐X model by subsequent research. The double ABC‐X model addresses postcrisis coping processes that determine whether a family can adapt to a crisis. It includes (aA) the pileup of additional stressors and the original crisis; (bB) existing resources and resources developed in order to meet the crisis; (cC) a family's perceptions of the crisis, additional stressors, and its available resources; and (xX) the likelihood of adaptation to crisis. The ABC‐X and double ABC‐X models are influential in family research and counseling.
Publication Date
March 21, 2016
Citation Information
Michael L Rosino. "ABC‐X Model of Family Stress and Coping" The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies (2016) p. 1 - 6
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