Contribution to Book
ABC‐X Model of Family Stress and Coping
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies
The ABC‐X model is used for analyzing stress and coping within families. The model consists of (A) the stressor event, (B) the resources available to a family, (C) the family's perceptions of the stressor, and (X) the likelihood of crisis. Variables B and C determine whether the stressor event (A) results in crisis. The ABC‐X model has been refined through the inclusion of additional factors such as a family's social context and further developed into the double ABC‐X model by subsequent research. The double ABC‐X model addresses postcrisis coping processes that determine whether a family can adapt to a crisis. It includes (aA) the pileup of additional stressors and the original crisis; (bB) existing resources and resources developed in order to meet the crisis; (cC) a family's perceptions of the crisis, additional stressors, and its available resources; and (xX) the likelihood of adaptation to crisis. The ABC‐X and double ABC‐X models are influential in family research and counseling.
Publication Date
March 21, 2016
Citation Information
Michael L Rosino. "ABC‐X Model of Family Stress and Coping" The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies (2016) p. 1 - 6 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/michael-rosino/14/