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Early Field Experience of Business and Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Education
NACTA Journal
  • Scott W. Smalley, South Dakota State University
  • Michael S. Retallick, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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The purpose of this national descriptive study was to describe early field experience (EFE) practices used in business and family and consumer sciences (FCS) teacher education by using the EFE model. This study replicates similar research in the agricultural education discipline. For this study, EFE was defined as all field experiences—offered within or outside of the business and FCS teacher education curriculum—that occur before student teaching. The study population was business and FCS teacher education programs (N=139) identified by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and the National Business Education Association. The teacher education coordinator for each program was the contact for this study. Data were collected via an online survey. Programs required a minimum number of contact hours and a minimum number of lessons taught while in the field. The most common student assessments included cooperating teacher signatures, reflective writing and university supervisor’s review of documents. Most programs had specific EFE requirements and expectations. This study supports the career and technical education profession by identifying differences and similarities in EFE programming across disciplines. This information could be used to provide a more congruent EFE for all preservice teachers.


This article is published as Smalley, S., & Retallick, M. S. (2016). Early field experiences of business and family and consumer science education. NACTA Journal, 60(4), 352-357. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
File Format
Citation Information
Scott W. Smalley and Michael S. Retallick. "Early Field Experience of Business and Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Education" NACTA Journal Vol. 60 Iss. 4 (2016) p. 352 - 357
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