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Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway
Wikipedia (2017)
  • Michael OConnor, Howard University
First authored by OConnor- The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic railroad, nicknamed Black Cinders & Ashes, ran from Baltimore, Maryland to Ocean City, Maryland consisting of 87 miles (140.0 km) of center-line track and 15.6 miles (25.11 km) of sidings. Chartered in 1886, the railroad started construction in 1889 and cost $2.356 million ($2021=67,041,000).
The railroad also played a key role in the fight against racial segregation and the path to civil rights. Maryland civil rights advocates such as attorney William Ashbie Hawkins represented several plaintiffs before the Maryland Public Service Commission, protesting the segregated conditions maintained by the railroad in both the boats and trains under Maryland's Jim Crow laws in the 1910-1920s. Though Hawkins' various complaints were dismissed, the Public Service Commission did recommend changes such as ordering the BC&A to provide seating (with partitions) in nonsmoking as well as smoking cars to assure greater equality in the future. It would be another four decades until another Marylander, Elmer Henderson, was successful in arguing to the United States Supreme Court in 1950 that "...segregative dining practices on the railroads could not be equal". Henderson's court victory in integrating interstate travel contributed to Maryland's repeal of its railroad segregation laws in 1951. So as Bogen writes, "generations of protesters and lawyers who resisted segregation ... in Maryland played their role in making it possible for a woman in Montgomery, Alabama ...(Rosa Parks)... to change the world."
  • railroads,
  • Maryland,
  • civil rights
Publication Date
Citation Information
Wikipedia contributors, "Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,,_Chesapeake_and_Atlantic_Railway&oldid=1020333166 (accessed April 28, 2021).
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