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2021 ASEE An integrated vision of management and leadership for delivering 21st-century civil infrastructure.pdf
Proceedings of the ASEE (2021)
  • Michael OConnor, Howard University
  • Mrs. Elizabeth Z Bialek, PE
  • Ms. Susan Davis
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), as the recognized leader of the civil engineering profession, has been at the forefront of efforts in delivering 21st-century civil infrastructure. In its Vision 2025 (2006), ASCE stated that this vision for the profession will require civil engineers to be “master leaders in discussions and decisions shaping public environmental and infrastructure policy.” In 2009, ASCE issued a roadmap for achieving this Vision, saying it was necessary to initiate new programs, develop plans, and most importantly, recruit champions for this vision. As of 2021, ASCE has not been successful in fully achieving these outcomes. The paper focuses on a critical part of the Vision 2025 goals - the master leaders of public policy discussions on infrastructure investment and why the 2009 road map did not achieve this goal. It also recommends that ASCE reinvigorate the roadmap effort to develop master leaders by solving three core problems, positioning the profession to be recognized as master leaders, recruiting champions, and creating educational and experiential pathways for future leaders. Solving the latter problem on pathways will involve curricular modifications.
Publication Date
Summer July 26, 2021
Citation Information
Michael OConnor, Elizabeth Z Bialek and Susan Davis. "2021 ASEE An integrated vision of management and leadership for delivering 21st-century civil infrastructure.pdf" Proceedings of the ASEE (2021)
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