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The U.S. Presidential Campaign, 2016: A Historic Realignment?
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Michael E. Meagher, Missouri University of Science and Technology

This essay explores the 2016 election using 1964 for comparison. The central theme is that 1964 set the context for subsequent presidential elections. Issues and public policy revolved around the standards set by the 1964 converting election. Both race and religion played a role in the 1964 converting election that redefined the Democratic Party as the liberal political party for the nation, and the Republican as its conservative counterpart. This established a political regime that endures until the present day, but its endurance has had deleterious consequences for the discussion of new proposals. Change happens slowly and piecemeal. Both parties maintain high levels of spending as politics has been reduced to administration, a technocracy rather than representative democracy. The resulting pressures and frustrations manifest themselves with increasing frequency in the political system. The tumultuous 2016 campaign is the latest manifestation of this dissatisfaction among voters. Given the peculiarities of 2016, are we on the verge of a historic realignment, one that may set a similar standard fora generation?

History and Political Science
Keywords and Phrases
  • United States Presidential Election, 2016,
  • Technocracy,
  • Public Spending,
  • Social Aspects,
  • United States,
  • Democratic Party (U.S.),
  • Republican Party (U.S: 1854- )
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2016 Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2016
Citation Information
Michael E. Meagher. "The U.S. Presidential Campaign, 2016: A Historic Realignment?" Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 28 Iss. 1/2 (2016) p. 19 - 40 ISSN: 0890-0132
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