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Personalizing Analytics through the Education and Career Positioning System
Educause Review (2013)
  • Michael L. Mathews, Oral Roberts University
  • Shah Ardalan
Key Takeaways
  • Lone Star College System offers an integrated Education and Career Positioning System that lets students, faculty, advisors, and parents simulate, navigate, validate, and plan a student's education-to-career options to select the best individual journey for that student.
  • The ECPS takes all personalized interests, values, skills, and academic records for students and distributes personalized student analytics directly to them for planning.
  • The ECPS is a suite of three key applications that integrate with the U.S. Department of Education's MyData Button and can be purchased by parents and students no matter where they live or attend school.
  • Education and Career Positioning System,
  • Michael L. Mathews,
  • ECPS,
  • SIS
Publication Date
Summer August 5, 2013
Citation Information
Michael L. Mathews and Shah Ardalan. "Personalizing Analytics through the Education and Career Positioning System" Educause Review (2013)
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