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Implementation of the Hospital Elder Life Program in a coronary intensive care unit: Preliminary results of a quality improvement project
Aurora UW Geriatrics Faculty
  • Jonny Macias Tejada, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Marie Koepsel, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Michael L Malone, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Marie Wardynski, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Karen Schmeling, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Misael Herrejon, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Silvia Chavez, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Dustin Keske, Advocate Aurora Health
  • William Edwards, Advocate Aurora Health

Advocate Aurora Health

Publication Date
Presentation Notes
Poster accepted for presentation at the AGS 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting, originally scheduled to be held May 2020 in Long Beach, California, but canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Document Type
Citation Information

Macias JA, Koepsel M, Malone M, Wardsynski M, Schmeling K, Herrejon M, Chavez S, Keske D, Edwards W. Implementation of the Hospital Elder Life Program in a coronary intensive care unit: Preliminary results of a quality improvement project. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2020;68(S1):S123.