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Evaluating the Open and Engaged Components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in an Online Self-Guided Website: Results From a Pilot Trial
Behavior Modification
  • Julie M. Petersen, Utah State University
  • Jennifer Krafft, Utah State University
  • Michael P. Twohig, Utah State University
  • Michael E. Levin, Utah State University
Document Type
Sage Publications, Inc.
Publication Date

Online acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is promising for treating a range of psychological problems. Component research can further clarify which components are needed for optimal outcomes in what contexts. Online platforms provide a highly controlled format for such research. In this pilot trial, 55 adults were randomized to: ACT-Open (i.e., acceptance, defusion components), ACT-Engaged (i.e., values, committed action), or ACT-Combined (i.e., acceptance, defusion, values, committed action). Each condition was 12 sessions over six weeks, with assessments at baseline, posttreatment, and four-week follow-up. ACT-Open, ACT-Engaged, and ACT-Combined all significantly improved from pre- to post-treatment on mental health, psychosocial functioning, and components of psychological flexibility. Compared to ACT-Combined, ACT-Open improved less on psychosocial functioning at posttreatment, and ACT-Engaged worsened on functioning at follow-up. The platform was acceptable with high satisfaction ratings. Results support the feasibility of conducting online ACT component research, which will be tested in a fully powered non-inferiority trial.

Citation Information
Petersen, J.M., Krafft, J., Twohig, M.P., Levin, M.E. (In Press). Evaluating the open and engaged components of acceptance and commitment therapy in an online self-guided website: Results from a pilot trial. Behavior Modification.