Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Musculoskeletal Emergencies
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Article, Peer-reviewed
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Musculoskeletal trauma and infections are commonly encountered in the emergency department. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is rarely employed in true emergencies and most musculoskeletal studies can be deferred to the outpatient setting. This article seeks to address the urgent conditions in which MRI can play a role in diagnosis, management, and treatment. This article outlines MRI's role in the evaluation of posterolateral corner injuries and other soft-tissue pathologies such as rhabdomyolysis, diabetic myonecrosis, septic arthritis, cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis, and compartment syndrome.
Citation Information
Mehta P, Morrow M, Russell J, Madhuripan N, Habeeb M. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Musculoskeletal Emergencies. Semin Ultrasound CT MR. 2017 Aug;38(4):439-452.