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Human Needs Overview (2013)
The Encyclopedia of Social Work (First Online Edition) (2013)
  • Michael A. Dover
Dover, M. A., & Joseph, B. H. R. (2013). Human needs: Overview. In C. Franklin (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Social Work (1st Online Edition, pp. 1-51). Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers. In link provided, please scroll from latest 2023 to previous 2016, and from there to previous 20213 version, as the DOI is the same). PDF as published available here in Download link.
Following the 2008 death of Dr. Joseph, the entry was gradually expanded from 6147 words to 23,220 words, as the second of my four entries on human needs, which are cumulative in nature, with very little repeated content. Dr. Joseph’s name as co-author was retained due to the retention of several key sentences which she had contributed to the 2008 or which we had co-authored. However, this was an almost entirely re-written entry and can be considered my work.
The previous overview was re-written and expanded as an Introduction. The longer 2008 history section was shortened and followed by a section on Charlotte Towle’s Common Human Needs and a section on The Work on Human Needs of David Gil, which was updated to cite Gil (2013). A new section on Needs Theory in Social Work’s Interdisciplinary Foundation followed. The Theories of Human Need section was re-written and followed by these sections: Theory of Human Need of Doyal and Gough (THN); Self-Determination Theory of Deci and Ryan (SDT); Comparing THN and SDT. A new section on Conceptual Issues for Social Work’s Use of Human Needs Theory contained sub-sections on well-being; quality of life; human spirituality; needs, wants and desires; post-modernist critiques; needs as universal or relative; needs and harm; needs as strengths/deficits; needs or capabilities. The section on Social Work Education was expanded from three to twelve paragraphs, and later updated to include the 2015 CSWE EPAS. The Social Welfare Policy section grew from two to ten paragraphs including sub-sections on global justice policy and needs and environmental sustainability and was later updated to include Ian Goughs 2014 and 2015 work on that subject. The Social Work Practice section was expanded from three paragraphs to sixteen, including a new sub-section on the work of Jani and Reisch (2011). The Social Research section grew from one to six sections. The Social and Political Action section grew from one to seven paragraphs. The Social Work Values and Ethics Section grew from two to fourteen paragraphs. The Needs, Rights and Justice section grew from two paragraphs to seven. The final Future Trends and Opportunities section grew from three paragraphs to thirteen paragraphs.
  • Human Needs,
  • Human Rights,
  • Oppression,
  • Dehumanization,
  • Exploitation
Publication Date
Summer June 13, 2013
Cynthia Franklin
National Association of Social Workers and Oxford University Press
Citation Information
Michael A. Dover. "Human Needs Overview (2013)" The Encyclopedia of Social Work (First Online Edition) (2013)
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