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You Cannot Leave it at the Office: Spillover and Crossover of Coworker Incivility
Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Meredith J. Thompson, Utah State University
Document Type
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Publication Date

This study examines the spillover and crossover effects of a specific chronic stressor, coworker incivility, on target marital satisfaction, partner marital satisfaction, and partner family‐to‐work conflict and on how the transmission of stress from the workplace to the family domain (as perceived by the target's partner) mediates these relationships. Using a matched data set of 190 job incumbents and their partners, the findings reveal that coworker incivility demonstrates both spillover and crossover effects on these outcomes important to the family. Evidence indicates that incivility targets do not leave the stress of incivility at work but instead bring it home to the family domain where it influences relationships with and outcomes of their partners. Implications of these findings and avenues for future research are discussed.

Citation Information
Ferguson, M. (2012). “You cannot leave it at the office: Spillover and crossover of coworker incivility.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33: 571-588.