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About Melvin David Piercey


Present Associate Professor of Accounting, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • Mentions and stories on my research in the popular business press, Accounting Today, CFO Magazine, CPA2Biz, Edgar Online, The Practicing CPA, and WebCPA 2010-2011
  • College Outstanding Researcher Award, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, 2010
  • Outstanding Emerging Scholar Award, American Accounting Association Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Research Conference, 2010
  • Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association Audit Midyear Meeting, 2010
  • Outstanding Emerging Scholar Award, American Accounting Association, Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Research Conference, 2009
  • College Outstanding Teacher Award, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, 2009
  • Tied for best paper and lead plenary session conference paper, International Symposium on Auditing Research, 2008
  • Accounting, Behavior, & Organizations Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Accounting Association, 2007
  • University of Illinois College of Business Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award, 2005
  • AAA Deloitte J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2005
  • Deloitte & Touche Doctoral Fellowship, 2003-2005
  • niversity of Illinois Fred H. Figge Distinguished Teaching Award in Accountancy, 2003

Contact Information

Isenberg School of Management, Room 335
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA. 01003


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