Learning strategies in different environments: Self-regulated learning in traditional and online courses
Eastern Psychological Association 2021 Virtual Conference
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Self-regulation of academic efforts directly predicts academic performance. However, students engage in regulation of learning in various degrees depending on the content and context. A mixed-methods study was conducted to investigate the intra-student differences of learning strategies in face-to-face and online courses. The results showed statistically significantly higher scores for motivation and study strategies in the classroom setting. The online environment presented more challenges to students, who seemed less autonomous and independent in their learning.
- Education and
- Psychology
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Melissa Gebbia and Joanna Alcruz. "Learning strategies in different environments: Self-regulated learning in traditional and online courses" Eastern Psychological Association 2021 Virtual Conference (2021) Available at: