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One Step at a Time: A Journey of Hope, Inspiration, and Determination
The Qualitative Report
  • Melinda Hermanns, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Barbara K. Haas, University of Texas at Tyler

Approximately three million persons in the United States face the challenge of living with Parkinson's Disease (PD). In spite of medical and surgical interventions, the disease progresses, resulting in bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability that impair functional ability and quality of life. The purpose of this case study is to illuminate the impact an exercise program may have on an individual with PD. A single case study design was used to explore the effect of exercise on the quality of life of a 73-year old gentleman with advanced PD. Interviews and field observations of the client, wife, and staff at a community based exercise facility were conducted. Analyses were based on coding of verbatim transcripts and field notes. Three themes emerged from the study: hope, inspiration, and determination. This case study is an exemplar of the impact exercise conducted in a supportive environment may have on improving the functional ability and quality of life for persons with PD.

  • Exercise,
  • Parkinson’s Disease,
  • Case Study
The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.
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Citation Information
Melinda Hermanns and Barbara K. Haas. "One Step at a Time: A Journey of Hope, Inspiration, and Determination" (2014) p. 1 - 9
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