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Parenting in Puerto Rican families: Mothers and father’s self-reported practices
Interamerican Journal of Psychology
  • Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez, Utah State University
  • Natalie Franceschi Rivera, Utah State University
  • Zulma Sella-Nieves, University of Puerto Rico
  • Jahaira Félix Fermín, University of Puerto Rico
Document Type
University of Florida
Publication Date

Little information is available on parenting practices of families living in Puerto Rico. In order to fll this gap, 55 two-parent Families with a 6 to 11 year old child were surveyed on contextual stressors known to impact parenting (i.e., depression, subjective economic status, parenting stress, marital satisFaction), parenting practices (i.e., skills building, positive involvement, problem solving, monitoring, and eFFective discipline), as well as child externalizing behavior problems. Data revealed a sample with relatively low selF-reported stressors, high endorsement oF parenting practices, and subclinical child externalizing behaviors. All measures were reliable, indicating potential For Future use in Puerto Rican samples. All relationships were in the expected direction. Specifcally higher reports on stressors were negatively related to endorsement oF eFFective parenting practices, and eFFective parenting practices were negatively correlated to problematic scores in child outcomes. Maternal problem solving Fully mediated the relationship between marital satisFaction and child externalizing behaviors. Implications For Future research are provided.

Citation Information
Domenech Rodríguez, M. M., Franceschi Rivera, N., Sella Nieves, Z., & Félix Fermín, J. (2013). Parenting in Puerto Rican families: Mothers and father’s self-reported practices. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 47, 299-312.