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Liderazgo: Culturally grounded leadership and the National Latina/o Psychological Association
The Counseling Psychologist
  • Marie L. Miville, Columbia University
  • Patricia Arredondo, Arizona State University
  • Andrés J. Consoli, University of California
  • Azara Santiago-Rivera, Merrimack College
  • Edward A. Delgado-Romero, University of Georgia
  • Milton A. Fuentes, Montclair State University
  • Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez, Utah State University
  • Lynda D. Field, Private Practice, Cambridge, MA
  • Joseph M. Cervantes, California State University
Document Type
SAGE Publications
Publication Date

This article, collaboratively written by the presidents of the National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA), presents leadership as conceptualized and practiced in NLPA. We first identify key leadership constructs in the available literature as well as relevant cultural values, describe liderazgo (leadership) through cultural lenses, and articulate the connections to counseling psychology and the social justice underpinnings that have guided NLPA’s formation and development. We then present a number of events and decisions to illustrate how we have operationalized these organizing principles in both the daily management and long-term goals of NLPA. We conclude with a discussion of the future paths and possible directions in the next decade for the organization.

Citation Information
Miville, M. L., Arredondo, P., Consoli, A. J., Santiago-Rivera, A., Delgado-Romero, E. A., Fuentes, M. A., Domenech Rodríguez, M. M., Field, L., & Cervantes, J. M. (2017, Online First). Liderazgo: Culturally grounded leadership and the National Latina/o Psychological Association. The Counseling Psychologist. doi: 10.1177/0011000016668413