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Cosmos for Cut Flower Production in Utah
All Current Publications
  • Ali Harrison, Utah State University
  • Melanie Stock, Utah State University
  • Lorin Harrison, Utah State University
  • Amanda Pratt, Utah State University
  • Olive Stewart, Utah State University
  • Claudia Nischwitz, Utah State University
  • Nick Volesky, Utah State University
Document Type
Utah State University
Publication Date

Cosmos are one of the easiest and most productive cut flowers to grow. As a warm-season annual, blooms are prolific and continued, making cosmos a staple, cut-and-come-again flower. The plants tolerate low water conditions, poor soil, and low maintenance, and perform better in fields than high tunnels. Available in shades ranging from whites and blushes to cranberry and orange, cosmos provide popular colors and airy textures for floral design work, particularly in late summer weddings and events.

Citation Information
Ali Harrison, Melanie Stock, Lorin Harrison, Amanda Pratt, et al.. "Cosmos for Cut Flower Production in Utah" (2024) p. 1 - 7
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