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Leveraging Resources Across Units and Universities to Address Academic Literacies and Research Skills in Ontario Graduate Students.pdf
McMaster Institute for Innovation & Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL) 2015, Research on Teaching and Learning Conference / McMaster University (2015)
  • Melanie Mills, Huron University, London
  • Elan Paulson, The University of Western Ontario
Student2Scholar (S2S) is a fully online and open course that aims to teach academic literacies and research skills to social science graduate students. Set to launch in December 2015, S2S was conceived of and created by a diverse and distributed team of academic librarians, university staff, and graduate students from three Ontario Universities: Western, The University of Toronto, and Queen’s University. Members of the project team brought with them varying degrees of experience and expertise across a range of disciplinary and teaching and learning backgrounds, including: adult education, information literacy, and online learning (to name only a few).

S2S serves as a standout example of what can be achieved when a teaching and learning project is resourced to leverage the time and talent of a cross-section of the academic community whose professional goals and educational interests are shared, despite working in seemingly disparate and often disconnected areas of campus or institutions of higher education.

This poster presentation will highlight the pedagogical (i.e., conceptual and theoretical) framework used in the design S2S, and make explicit the connections between the design of the course and the human resources required, and ultimately assigned to contribute to the development of the course (e.g., organizational development, design and development of modules and assets, writers, etc). Using S2S as a case study in online, module-based, interdisciplinary course development, MIIETL conference delegates will learn how to leverage established and yet-to-be formed relationships across academic units and institutions to realize mutually beneficial teaching and learning outcomes.
  • information literacy,
  • adult learning,
  • academic libraries,
  • scholarship of teaching and learning,
  • course development,
  • online education,
  • online learning
Publication Date
December, 2015
Hamilton, ON
Citation Information
Melanie Mills and Elan Paulson. "Leveraging Resources Across Units and Universities to Address Academic Literacies and Research Skills in Ontario Graduate Students.pdf" McMaster Institute for Innovation & Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL) 2015, Research on Teaching and Learning Conference / McMaster University (2015)
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