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The Battle Over Fracking: The Mobilization of Local Residents
The Qualitative Report
  • Mehmet Soyer, Utah State University
  • Sebahattin Ziyanak, University of Texas of the Permian Basin
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Publication Date
Nova Southeastern University
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0

In the last decade, the natural gas industry has grown rapidly, and North Texas has become a major shale gas-producing area. This paper studies the power struggle of two rival groups (Frack Free Denton and Denton Tax Payers for a Strong Economy) over fracking in Denton. How did each of these groups challenge the claims-making activities and goals of their adversaries?” We conducted data from ten in-depth interviews from each side to compare concerns about fracking. This study focuses on the campaign of the two groups on each side of the debate. We developed the model of merging the theoretical frameworks of value-conflict and social construction of social problems by examining the stages of awareness, policy determination, and reform in the battle over fracking. This project finds that the new theoretical framework model is germane to many features of claims,” “claims-makers,” and “claims-making activities.

Citation Information
Soyer, M., & Ziyanak, S. (2018). The Battle over Fracking: The Mobilization of Local Residents. The Qualitative Report, 23(9), 2222-2237. Retrieved from