September 2015 - Present | Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
Present | Investigator, Missouri University of Science and Technology | |
Present | Senior Research Investigator, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Center for Research in Energy and Environment (CREE) | |
September 2010 - August 2015 | Associate Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
August 2004 - August 2010 | Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology ‐ Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
2002 - 2004 | Ph.D. Research Assistant, Illinois Institute of Technology ‐ Grainger Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory | |
Research Interests
Modeling, analysis, design, and control of power electronic converters, Integrated power converters and their industrial applications, Digital control of power electronic converters and motor drives, Adjustable speed drives, Brushless DC (BLDC) and switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives, Automotive/aerospace power electronics and motor drives, Electric and hybrid electric vehicles, Uninterruptible power supplies and active filters, Design and control of power factor correctors, and Analysis and design of resonant converters and inverters
2013 - 2014 | Missouri S&T Microgrid Demonstration Employing Renewable Energy and Alternative Fuel Sources |
American Public Power Association | |
Role: PI, 75% | |
$200,000 | |
2012 - 2014 | REU Site: Technologies for Renewable Energy Generation |
National Science Foundation | |
Role: Co‐PI, 15% | |
$388,798 | |
2008 - 2014 | Research on Alternative Sources of Energy to Power Transit Vehicles |
U.S. Department of Transportation | |
Role: Co‐PI, 40% | |
$1,918,873 | |
2011 - 2013 | Army Installation Electric Vehicle Demonstration Project |
U.S. Department of Defense | |
Role: PI, 60% | |
$240,560 | |
2010 - 2013 | Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles – A Comprehensive Education, Training, and Outreach Program |
U.S. Department of Energy | |
Role: PI, 39% | |
$5,000,000 | |
2008 - 2013 | Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Center |
NSF (Engineering Research Center) | |
Role: Co‐PI, 25% | |
$2,200,000 | |
2007 - 2012 | CAREER: Vehicle Fleet as a Distributed Energy Storage System for the Power Grid |
NSF (ECS ‐ Power, Controls & Adaptive Networks) | |
Role: PI, 100% | |
$400,000 | |
2007 - 2010 | Development and Validation of Advanced Energy Management Control Algorithms for Short or Long Term Energy Storage |
Sandia National Laboratories | |
Role: Co‐PI, 25% | |
$618,740 | |
2006 - 2009 | GAANN: Electric Energy Conversion for High Impact Applications in Power and Energy Systems |
U.S. Department of Education | |
Role: Co‐PI, 20% | |
$383,181 | |
2007 - 2008 | Electric Motor Drives with Advanced Energy Storage |
Missouri Research Board | |
Role: Co‐PI, 33% | |
$28,948 | |
2007 - 2008 | Performance Evaluation of Solid State Power Supplies for Neon Signs |
Anheuser‐Busch Companies, Inc. | |
Role: PI, 100% | |
$12,963 | |
2006 - 2008 | UTC/Transportation Fuel Research and Development |
Department of Transportation | |
Role: Co‐PI, 10% | |
$183,952 | |
2006 - 2007 | Renewable Energy Supplies: Flywheels as Replacement for Chemical Batteries |
Ameren | |
Role: PI, 100% | |
$24,500 | |
2006 - 2007 | Vehicular Applications of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems |
Missouri Research Board | |
Role: PI, 67% | |
$27,300 |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2005 - Present | Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | Present | Member, IEEE | Present | Member, Industrial Electronics Society (IES) | Present | Member, Industry Applications Society (IAS) | Present | Member, Power & Energy Society (PES) | Present | Member, Power Electronics Society (PELS) | Present | President, Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) | 2010 - 2011 | Chair, IEEE Rolla Subsection of the St. Louis Section |
Honors and Awards
- Teaching Excellence Recognition, Missouri S&T, 2007‐08 and 2011‐12 academic years
- Prize Paper Award, IEEE Vehicle Power & Propulsion Conf. (VPPC), Harbin, China, 2008
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation, 2007
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Missouri S&T, 2005‐06 academic year
- Teaching Excellence Award, School of Engineering, Missouri S&T, November 2006
- University of Missouri New Faculty Teaching Scholars (NFTS) program, 2006‐07
- Joseph J. Suozzi INTELEC Fellowship Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Education Committee, 2003
- Ranked 14th, Nationwide M.Sc. entrance exam in Electrical Engineering of Iranian Universities, 1997, out of nearly 15,000 participants
- Ranked 39th, Nationwide B.Sc. entrance exam in Mathematics and Physics of Iranian Universities, 1992, out of nearly 300,000 participants
- Circuits I, Sophomore level
- Electromechanics, Junior/Senior level
- Power Electronics, Senior/Graduate level
- Power Electronics Lab., Senior/Graduate level
- Electric‐Drive Vehicles, Senior/Graduate level, Developed by Dr. Ferdowsi
- Advanced Electric‐Drive Vehicles, Graduate level, Developed by Dr. Ferdowsi
- Advanced Power Electronics, Graduate level, Developed by Dr. Ferdowsi
2004 | Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology | |
1999 | M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology | |
1997 | B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of Tehran | |
Contact Information
234 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65409-0040
Phone: 573-341-4552
Fax: 573-341-6671