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Microstructural Stability in Grain Boundary Engineered Materials
2008 TMS Annual Meeting (2008)
  • Scott Schlegel, Boise State University
  • Megan Frary, Boise State University

Grain boundary engineering (GBE) is a thermomechanical process in which sequential straining and annealing cycles are used to increase the fraction of special, low-energy grain boundaries (with Σ ≤ 29 according to the coincidence site lattice model). In the present work, two cubic face-centered materials, pure copper and Inconel 617, were processed by GBE. In addition, a conventionally processed sample was processed with a single strain step, equal to the total strain in the GBE sample. The thermomecanically-processed samples were subjected to elevated temperatures for varying times. The GBE samples exhibited a resistance to change in the fraction of special boundaries and grain size (as determined by Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM)), while the conventionally-processed samples experienced abnormal grain growth. Monte Carlo grain growth simulations on the OIM-determined microstructures confirm the increased microstructural stability of the GBE samples. Therefore, GBE processing can produce more stable and predictable microstructures than can conventional processing.

Publication Date
March 11, 2008
Citation Information
Scott Schlegel and Megan Frary. "Microstructural Stability in Grain Boundary Engineered Materials" 2008 TMS Annual Meeting (2008)
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