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About Megan Wright

Professor Megan Wright is assistant professor of law and medicine—Penn State Law’s first joint appointment with the College of Medicine—as well as an affiliate faculty member with the Department of Sociology in the College of the Liberal Arts. Professor Wright joined Penn State from Weill Cornell Medical College, where she was a postdoctoral associate of medical ethics. Concurrently, she served as a research fellow and senior adviser to the Consortium for the Advanced Study of Brain Injury Project at the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School. 
Her research and teaching interests include bioethics and law, disability law, empirical legal studies, health law, law and sociology, private law, and public health law. Her scholarship has been published or accepted for publication in the Maryland Law Review, Stanford Technology Law Review, Florida State University Law Review, Yale Law and Policy Review, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, Berkeley Journal of African-American Law and Policy, JAMA Internal Medicine, and the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, among others.


Present Assistant Professor of Law, Penn State Law


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Healthcare Decision Making (5)

Human Subjects Research (4)

Severe Brain Injury and the Law: Consortium for the Advanced Study of Brain Injury (10)