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Considerable Issues for Sustainable Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project
Res Manageria (2011)
  • Md. Abu Rashed
  • Md. Mahmudul Alam*
The implications of Public Private Partnership (PPP) concept has acknowledged utmost attention from different governments around the world especially in terms of service quality, efficiencies in procurement and risk management, extent of investment undertaken by private sponsor and the ability to generate managerial and technical capabilities. PPPs are seen as a way forward for creating a sustainable atmosphere in terms of economic, social and environmental considerations. However, the variations of PPP schemes have their own set of advantage and limitations over one to another vis-a-vis typical public sector procurement. While adopting and promoting PPPs in a country by the government and involving private sector for a particular PPP deal, specific issues and factors associated with the project must be considered for ensuring sustainibility of the project as well as the interst of all stakeholders, i.e, government, private sector and the users. This study focuses on these factors that will help the involved parties to ensure the sustainability of the PPP projects and a fruitful win-win contract.
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP); Service Contracts; Management Contracts; Lease Contracts; Concession Contract; Joint Venture; Sustainable Economic Development
Publication Date
Citation Information
Rashed, M.A. & Alam, M.M. and Mohd Ekhwan, T. (2011). Considerable Issues for Sustainable Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project. Res Manageria, 2(4), 57-65.