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The Rule of Law in the Reform of Legal Education: Teaching the Legal Mind in Japanese Law Schools
All Faculty Scholarship
  • James Maxeiner, University of Baltimore School of Law
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  • a. The Rule of Law is at the heart of the present legal reform.
  • b. There is an international consensus about basic elements of the Rule of Law.
  • c. Legal methods are central to the Rule of Law. But different legal methods are used to realize the Rule of Law.
  • d. Teaching legal methods, i.e., teaching to think like a lawyer, is at the heart of that which is professional in legal education.
  • e. The present legal reform invites Japanese law schools to teach legal methods.

Citation Information
The Rule of Law in the Reform of Legal Education: Teaching the Legal Mind in Japanese Law Schools, 25 Kansai Univ. Rev. L. & Politics 63 (2004)