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About Max Rothschild

About Max Rothschild
Max F. Rothschild is a livestock geneticist who is considered one of the world’s experts in swine genetics. Rothschild became interested in genetics at an early age. He received a BS in animal science from the University of California, Davis, in 1974, an MS in animal science from the University of Wisconsin in 1975, and a PhD in animal breeding from Cornell University in 1978. He joined the faculty at the University of Maryland in 1978 and came to Iowa State in 1980. His research and teaching have been devoted to the study of animal breeding and molecular genetics, including the identification of factors affecting inheritance of serum cholesterol in swine, factors associated with growth and performance in the pig, and the genetics of disease resistance. For 20 years Rothschild led US efforts to map the pig genome. Recent efforts have been directed toward identifying genes controlling traits of economic importance in the pig.  Rothschild and his students hold 12 US patents and many international ones.  These many gene tests discovered by Rothschild and his research group are now used in in nearly all US and many worldwide breeding programs to improve pig performance. His most recent work now involves many livestock species and improving their performance in developing countries.


Present Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University Department of Animal Science


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Contact Information

2255 Kildee
806 Stange Rd
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-6202
Fax: 515-294-2401


Peer-Reviewed Articles (169)