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GOODS-Herschel Measurements of the Dust Attenuation of Typical Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift: Observations of UV-Selected Galaxies at z~2
Astrophysical Journal (2007)
  • N. Reddy
  • M. Dickinson
  • D. Elbaz
  • G. Morrison
  • Mauro Giavalisco, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • R. Ivison
  • C. Papovich
  • D. Scott
  • V. Buat
  • D. Burgarella
  • V. Charmandaris
  • E. Daddi
  • G. Magdis
  • E. Murphy
  • B. Altieri
  • H. Aussel
  • H. Dannerbauer
  • K. Dasyra
  • H. S. Hwang
  • J. Kartaltepe
  • R. Leiton
  • B. Magnelli
  • P. Popesso
We take advantage of the sensitivity and resolution of Herschel at 100 and 160 micron to directly image the thermal dust emission and investigate the infrared luminosities, L(IR), and dust obscuration of typical star-forming (L*) galaxies at high redshift. Our sample consists of 146 UV-selected galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts 1.51e10 Lsun at z~2 are luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) with a median L(IR)=(2.2+/-0.3)e11 Lsun. Typical galaxies at 1.5
  • galaxies: high-redshift,
  • infrared: galaxies,
  • ISM: dust,
  • extinction
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This paper was harvested from and ArXiv identifier is arXiv:1107.2653
Citation Information
N. Reddy, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, G. Morrison, et al.. "GOODS-Herschel Measurements of the Dust Attenuation of Typical Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift: Observations of UV-Selected Galaxies at z~2" Astrophysical Journal (2007)
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