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How ICAN adds Value in the Global, Regional and National Education Monitoring Landscape
  • Ursula Schwantner, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Maurice Walker, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
As a special member of the PAL Network, the Australian Council for Educational Research – Centre for Global Education Monitoring (ACER-GEM) has been providing technical support to citizen-led assessments since 2014. At the heart of this collaboration is the aim to further develop the methodological strength and rigour of citizen-led assessments as an essential data source for education monitoring. As a technical partner of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), which has been mandated with monitoring progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Education (SDG 4), ACER-GEM has contributed substantially to the refinement of the UIS Minimum Proficiency Levels that define what learners are expected to demonstrate for achieving SDG 4 indicator 4.1.1 (a) about the proportion of children achieving minimum proficiency in reading and mathematics. In this context, ACER-GEM provided technical support to the PAL Network for developing the ICAN testing tools with the view to broadening the scope of citizen-led assessments in line with the SDG 4 minimum proficiency requirements.
  • Educational access,
  • Assessment,
  • Foundational reading,
  • Learning assessment,
  • Learning levels,
  • Quality education,
  • Children,
  • Literacy,
  • Numeracy,
  • Sustainable development goals
Publication Date
July, 2020
Citation Information
Ursula Schwantner and Maurice Walker. "How ICAN adds Value in the Global, Regional and National Education Monitoring Landscape" (2020)
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