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About Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel, Ph.D., CAPM, PHR, RTC, CPQC, ICF-PCC

After graduating from Molloy College, Maureen joined Allstate Insurance, where she held various leadership positions over her 20-year corporate career. One of her more influential leadership roles was as Chairperson of the Fraudulent and Abusive Practices committee of the NY State Insurance Department (NY FAP). During this period she influenced a renewed industry focus to reduce underwriting and rating fraud.

Maureen earned her Ph.D. at Long Island University, and her areas of study were knowledge and Information Management and Management Behavior. Maureen went on to earn professional certifications in Human Resource Management (PHR) and Project Management (CAPM).

In 2012 Maureen re-joined her Alma Mater, Molloy College, as a member of the faculty.  She assumed the role of Graduate Dean in January 2015, and then accepted the role as the Dean of Business. She then transitioned the Division of Business to the School of Business as its founding Dean. She authored its Governance document, which was instrumental for the School of Business in its successful pursuit of accreditation with the IACBE.
The 2013 MBA graduating class awarded Maureen the Faculty Recognition Award. She was honored again by the 2016 MBA graduating class. Maureen was invited to be a guest on the PBS show, “The Long Island Business Report” with Jim Paymar to discuss “Women in Business.” Maureen has been honored twice as one of the "50 Most Influential Women in Business," by the Long Island Business News. She has demonstrated the ability to lead process iimprovement initiatives; particular expertise is revealed in training and developing people and organizations to reach full potential. Maureen is also skilled in advanced communications, human relations, and problem-solving abilities.

Maureen’s published research on Business Ethics reported on what academic institutions must do to better prepare future leaders for the ethical dilemmas they will face.  Maureen served as the President of the Northeast Business and Economics Association ( and currently serves on its Board of Trustees.  Her title was recently elevated by the Board of Trustees to the level of "Executive Director" to honor her long-term contributions to the organization.
Maureen is a proud member of the Energeia Partnership, which was founded by Molloy College.  The partnership brings together a diverse group of ethical leaders from Long Island's public, private, and not-for-profit sectors, to help address this region's most complex issues involving: education, institutional racism, land use, energy, transportation, healthcare and poverty and the working poor. 
Maureen is an advocate for transformative education.  She redesigned the Graduate and Undergraduate capstone courses so that business students, prior to graduating, demonstrate their newly gained knowledge and skills in the real-world. The students work for a not-for-profit to solve a key issue that the organization faces. An essential by-product is the development of a disposition toward the value that not-for-profits add to our society.  Over these past ten years, as a member of the Molloy family, Maureen has enabled business students to serve clients that include:  Rotacare, Inc., Paths of Hope, Island Harvest, The Long Island Regional Planning Council, Sustainable Long Island, Canine Companions for Independence, The Health and Welfare Council of Long Island, The Nassau County Commission on Human Rights, The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center, Mercy Hospital, The Nassau County Bar Association, The Villages of Babylon, Mastic Beach, Port Jefferson, and Freeport. She is especially proud of the student work performed that serves those most in need of service.   
Maureen, over her years as the Founding Dean of the School of Business at Molloy, is proud that she and her faculty have brought a renewed focus toward the students’ development of a disposition toward ethical leadership, and social responsibility, while cultivating the professional skills and values-based behaviors that prepare them for future leadership. 

Maureen now rejoins her faculty to serve the students as a Tenured Full Professor. Immediately upon her return to the faculty, the School of Business elected Maureen to represent them as a member of the College-wide Faculty Council. During that time, she actively collaborated with the faculty leaders from the four school within Molloy College, to represent the faculty to the administration. Maureen had served on the College-wide Contract Committee, the Collegial Committee, and the Faculty Professional Center, representing the Faculty Council. Within the School of Business, Maureen previously served on the Faculty Personnel Committee and the Academic Standards Committee

Maureen is an advocate for professional leadership and executive coaching and preparing students to have a growth mindset. Maureen holds an International Coaching Federation (ICF) credential at the PCC level, and her coaching certification is from the NeuroLeadership Institute (NLI). She is a certified PQ Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC). Her executive coaching experience focuses on business professionals and leaders, including diverse employees and clients. She has presented her research on coaching as a needed discipline for all business students. A multi-paper, multi-phase research agenda has produced five (5) conference papers and a journal article. Yes, business education should integrate the knowledge and skills of the growing profession of Leadership and Executive Coaching.


Present Full Professor, Molloy University School of Business

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Chairperson, Intergenerational Global Council, Young Global Leadership Foundation
Present Board Member, Northeast Business and Economics Association
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Honors and Awards

  • 2021 Business Faculty of the Year. Recognized by the IACBE.
  • 2017 Recognized by Long Island Business News as Top 50 Most Influential Women In Business
  • 2017 Awarded the Class of 2017 Faculty Recognition Award by the MBA Graduating Class.
  • 2016 Honoree, “Champion for Families”. Honor bestowed by RotaCare, Inc.
  • 2014 Recognized by Long Island Business News as Top 50 Most Influential Women In Business.
  • 2014 Recipient of the College-wide Faculty Research Achievement Award.
  • 2022 Awarded Sabatical for 2023. College-wide review with VPAA and Board of Trustee approval.


  • BUS 1460 Managing Human Resources. Hiring and FIring!
  • COR 3640 Gotham NY Experience
  • ECO 2860 Global Business and Economic Awareness
  • BUS 5110 Organizational Behavior
  • BUS 5400 Leadership in Organizations
  • BUS 5950 Capstone Consulting Experience
  • BUS 5150 Business Ethics and Professional Responsibility


Ph.D., Long Island University ‐ College of Information and Computer Science
MBA, Dowling College ‐ Townsend School of Business
B.A., Molloy College ‐ Division of Business

Conference Proceedings (34)

Multimedia (13)

Books & Book Chapters (4)

Presentations (18)