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Melding Ethical Behaviors into Leadership Expectations: Seeking to Make the Phrase, "Ethical Leadership" No Longer Necessary
Northeast Decision Science Institute (NEDSI) 2020
  • Maureen L Mackenzie, Ph.D., Molloy College
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publisher's PDF

Remember 'E-Commerce'? It was a distinct and emerging discipline. Now E-Commerce concepts are easily integrated into traditional business courses. The term ‘e-commerce,’ seems redundant. YET, we as scholars still maintain a distance between ‘Leadership’ and ‘Ethical Leadership’. When will the phrase, ‘Ethical Leadership,’ fade from the business vernacular as redundant? As scholars, we can study the distinction and seek to meld them so fully that the terms become synonymous. This paper presents an educational path to help leaders see the overlap so that each can develop a personal roadmap to tightly integrate the concepts in to their business practices.

Citation Information
Maureen L Mackenzie. "Melding Ethical Behaviors into Leadership Expectations: Seeking to Make the Phrase, "Ethical Leadership" No Longer Necessary" Northeast Decision Science Institute (NEDSI) 2020 (2020)
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