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People vs. Process: Mergers as a Discussion Backdrop
Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA) 2013
  • Maureen L Mackenzie, Ph.D., Molloy College
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publisher's PDF
Publisher's Statement
PUBLISHED BY THE NORTHEAST BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION © 2013 The Northeast Business & Economics Association reserves the right to publish the Proceedings in both print and electronic formats. The individual authors retain the copyright over their own articles.

The employee stakeholder has a small voice when merger or acquisition decisions are being made. This paper illuminates the human element hidden within the Merger and Acquisition process. The paper reviews workplace concepts such as trust, change leadership, communication, and employee resistance.

Citation Information
Maureen L Mackenzie. "People vs. Process: Mergers as a Discussion Backdrop" Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA) 2013 (2013)
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