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The Internet Archive and The National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and the Coronavirus COVID-19: Creative Commons Summit 2020
  • Matthew Rimmer, Queensland University of Technology
The Internet Archive and The National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and the Coronavirus COVID-19
Creative Commons Summit 2020 Tuesday, 20 October 2020

The Internet Archive established the National Emergency Library to provide for access to knowledge for those who were unable to access their usual libraries, schools, and educational institutions. In response, four large publishers have brought a copyright lawsuit against the Internet Archive, alleging both direct copyright infringement, as well as secondary copyright infringement. The Author’s Guild has supported this action. The litigation raises a range of issues in respect of copyright infringement, the defence of fair use, library exceptions, digital lending, and intermediary liability.
  • copyright,
  • library,
  • internet archive,
  • coronavirus,
  • access to knowledge,
  • creative commons,
  • fair use,
  • archives,
  • copyright exceptions,
  • TRIPS waiver,
  • TRIPS Agreement
Publication Date
October 20, 2020
Citation Information
Matthew Rimmer. "The Internet Archive and The National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and the Coronavirus COVID-19: Creative Commons Summit 2020" (2020)
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